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Capital One associate sits in his house in a red sweater on his laptop while working from home

Excelling in customer care while working from home

Todd assumed his team would be back on campus by mid-summer when he turned the lights off to their office in March of 2020. In reality, it was a new beginning for Todd's team.

Capital One announced in the fall of 2020 that the majority of Customer Care roles would transition to full-time remote work. Currently, Capital One plans for the rest of our associates to work in a hybrid model when it is safe to do so. While our Customer Care associates make a positive difference from home, they still are part of a supportive community that helps them excel professionally and personally.

“It’s been amazing to be at a company that has prioritized our health, safety and wellbeing through the pandemic,” said Todd, unit manager for the High Value Servicing team. “I know that Capital One truly has our best interests in mind. They are here to support us every step of the way.”

As we approach the two-year mark of Customer Care teams working from home, we checked in on a few associates to learn how they continue to provide outstanding customer service, collaborate, pursue professional development and prioritize their wellbeing.

Ethan maintains a steady stream of conversations with colleagues through instant messaging.
Ethan maintains a steady stream of conversations with colleagues through instant messaging.

Professional and community support from all levels

Ethan was initially worried when he started working remotely in the winter of 2020. His 90-minute round-trip commute to the office was out of the way, but along with it was the chance to quickly walk over to his manager’s desk to ask questions or spend a lunch break laughing with colleagues.

“I was not someone who wanted to work from home before the pandemic,” said Ethan, senior frontline specialist for the Escalation team. “I enjoyed the interaction with everyone. I was worried about losing my Capital One community and support network.”

His worries were short-lived. Ethan, his colleagues and leaders frequently met to discuss concerns, roadblocks and successes they experienced working from home. His team set up separate instant messaging channels to differentiate work questions and lighthearted chatter.

“Overall, my Capital One experience hasn’t changed much in the switch to working from home,” Ethan said. “I still have the same support from my teammates. Our leaders have been incredibly empathetic and open about their wins and impediments at home.”

One of Ethan’s leaders, Maris, a senior unit manager, has worked from home since joining Capital One in 2011. She helped her team adjust to full-time remote work by ensuring they had all the equipment they needed to be comfortable and efficient, sharing her struggles during the pandemic and sending resources and tips for working from home.

“We’re all in this together,” Maris said. “Capital One has our back, and we have each other’s back.”

Maris, Capital One associate, sits in her remote office chair with her laptop. She has worked from home for nearly 11 years.
Maris has worked from home for nearly 11 years.

Prioritizing camaraderie and self-care

Maris regularly visited the office for team building and professional development before the pandemic. When Capital One’s doors closed, she found ways to continue developing with the company.

Maris teaches virtual peer facilitation classes at Capital One and mentors associates in the Exempt Leadership Development Program, which helps participants develop and refine their leadership skills. Her team also has fun with virtual painting classes and chocolate tastings.

“Even though all of us are working across the country, we still grow professionally and have fun together,” Maris said. “We still build friendships, make a name for ourselves and experience the same company benefits.”

Capital One’s benefits helped Todd continue to prioritize his team’s wellness in the switch to remote work. He urges them to take time off and use benefits like virtual fitness classes, internal seminars on nutrition and the Employee Assistance Program, a counseling service.

“Capital One has always given us the impression that our health comes first,” Todd said. “We embrace our self-care.”

Todd, Capital One associate, stands in his kitchen at his laptop while working from home. He appreciates that Capital One has prioritized his wellbeing while working at home.
Todd appreciates that Capital One has prioritized his wellbeing while working at home.

A change of location, a continuation of excellence

Todd wants everyone interested in a Customer Career career at Capital One to know they will still experience a boon of benefits, camaraderie and professional development working from home.

“At the end of the day, our location has changed, but little else has,” Todd said. “We’re still a great team. We’re still maintaining and building relationships with each other. We’re still providing exceptional customer care. Capital One remains an exceptional place to work even if your life at Capital One is at home.”

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