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Associates grow with our Career Development resource

No matter where you are in your career journey, Capital One can help. 

Our free Career Development resource provides one-on-one career coaching, development webinars and resources to help associates identify career paths and achieve their goals.

Discover how the resource helps associates achieve their goals. 

Guidance for your career roadmap

Yvette, then a principal coordinator for Card, felt the sting of half a dozen job rejections when she met with a “Worklife coach” through the Career Development resource in the spring of 2021. But Yvette’s coach wouldn’t let her give up.

Career Development Worklife coaches help associates in every stage of their professional development journey, from addressing skill gaps to improving resumes and LinkedIn profiles to identifying next steps on their career path.

The coach advised Yvette to stop applying for every position she met the qualifications for, and instead focus her energy on several jobs that matched her interest in helping customers navigate bank laws and regulations. She has since advanced to positions like customer advocate associate, frontline manager and unit manager. 

“The feedback I request and receive from my coach is something that helps propel me forward instead of feeling stuck,” Yvette said.

An infographic of Capital One associate Alexa

Workshops to improve your skills

The pandemic spurred a moment of self-reflection for Vanessa, a Capital One Café ambassador. She was good at helping customers gain financial skills and knowledge, but hadn’t prioritized her own learning.

So Vanessa enrolled in some of the Career Development instructor-led webinars on creating attention-grabbing resumes, interviewing with excellence and crafting powerful success stories. This helped Vanessa document successful moments for performance reviews and assist mentees in shaping how they share achievements.

“I learned how to articulate my skills and my story,” Vanessa said. “The webinars helped me organize myself and build my confidence.”

Career Development offers eight instructor-led workshops, including “Navigating Your Career Journey ” and “Powering Up Your Network.” Associates and team leaders can also request group webinars.

Alexa, a senior unit manager for Card, has had the Career Development Worklife coach speak to her team about developing your personal brand.

“Career Development contributes to my success and also allows me to bring along others in gaining really valuable tools,” Alexa said. “They help us unlock our potential.”

Andrella, Capital One Project Management Manager, smiling in front of a white wall with her hand under her chin

A toolkit for success

Whether Andrella is navigating a career move, needing a refresher on change management or wanting tips on improving her resiliency, she goes to the Career Development Toolkit.

The toolkit is a collection of self-paced resources—from quick articles to short videos to practical worksheets—to lead you through critical career topics. Subjects include creating a career development roadmap, leading change and aligning your aspirations.

“I’m in love with the toolkit. I’m obsessed with it,” said Andrella, a project manager for Financial Services. “It gives me direction. All of the opportunities within the toolkit have created this well-rounded professional in me.”

Alexa used the toolkit, along with assistance from a Worklife coach, to earn three promotions since joining Capital One in 2015. She uses a program within the toolkit that records her responses to interview questions, which she rewatches to identify how she can strengthen her answers.

“I have a career at Capital One I love because of Career Development tools available for me to leverage at any time,” Alexa said. “It has been a safe space for me to celebrate my successes and share my setbacks and hopes for the future state of my career.”

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